Monsters do exist the beginning

 Recently I was talking to one of my new found sisters, that's a whole story that I will share with you later. I share with her parts of my life. Some of the things I hadn't shared with anyone else not even my brother Rob after I decided to share with her. I ended up sharing it with a few other family members as well. I told them, I thought it was time for me to share my story with the world and I wanted to hopefully write a book of my life one day. Now I'm ready to share it with you my name is Lisa and I'm 47 years old I am a mother of five and raise three other children as my own throughout my life so this day I am raising another. As I shared this story with my daughters I let them know this is why I was so protective of them. When they were growing up I wanted to write my story where you could actually feel it, you could actually feel the way I was feeling, my smells, my taste.  I hope that you understand what I mean, as you go on to read my story. When I was in college for criminal justice I wrote a short story it was called growing up. I wanted to share my life with them I guess I've been trying to get it out my whole life, what I've lived through so I was throwing bread crumbs at them. Hoping they'd ask for more but no one ever did. This actual story is a quick basic intro to the original that I'm sharing with you today and for as long as it takes to get my message out. So it starts off when I was six years old my mother by the name of Sandy had a talk with my brother Rob and I. She basically told us that we were going to be moving out of town. We would be moving to a big beautiful city called San Antonio Texas. We were from a small town called Seguin Texas so we had never seen a big city and yes it was beautiful. If you haven't visited San Antonio Texas you really need to the beauty is astonishing I love the Mexican heritage aspect of it but it's totally diverse cultures Blow Me Away. My brother Rob was never the type to keep secrets from me, so course he told me we're leaving because my father Robert senior was coming home from prison. I remember asking him what was prison and what did our father look like I wondered if I look like him there was so many questions I had! But they were never answered. Well little did I know we were moving away from Seguin because we were trying to get away from him. my mother just told us it would be better for all of us to move away. Seguin was about 45 minutes from San Antonio so it wasn't very far at all she told me in time that I would understand and that I was too young to understand what she was talking about. All I knew as we were leaving my grandpa and grandma behind which brought much sadness. I remember the day we moved into the three bedroom apartment under the San Antonio Housing Authority known as the infamous Victoria courts. I remember thinking this is home soon after I started school I made new friends and I started meeting people around our new home to be honest these are the only happy memories I carry from my childhood. It is as if Mom slowly faded from the picture. Shortly after she met Eddie her new boyfriend within a short time he was living with us about a year. Later we were being evicted from our home because of him the people down at the Housing Authority found out that he was living with us because our neighbor reported him because Eddie would turn on his motorcycle inside the apartment. We were evicted without warning there was a one-strike policy which meant they wanted no excuses. I remember being sad because we were leaving our friends behind once again. I felt some then I care for was taken away from me.

 After that we would stay in the raunchiest motels all over San Antonio they were rat flea and roach infested. Not forgetting to mention all the prostitution around. We'd watched prostitutes and their John's fight daily. One Motel I remember was on Roosevelt Street. I remember it so clearly because you didn't even have a TV. Boy were Rob and I so bored we played with his stretchy man and my Jacks all night until we fell asleep. During our stay in San Antonio I believe I went to at least 12 different schools not including the one in New Braunfels Texas from the age of 6 to 9 years old and then from the age of 10 through 16 the five other schools were located in Seguin Texas two schools in Austin Texas and one school in Houston Texas. When I turn 10 years old I finally got the picture my mom and Eddie were using drugs they were on preludes, mollies, and heroin. That's when I started to look back and remember all the times Rob and I were left alone for days! With nothing to eat but rolled up balls of bread if we got lucky we would get to roll the bread up with mayo or butter my favorite was the butter and Rob's was the Mayo. After so much heartbreak and tragedy a few years later I was able to speak to someone about sending me to a children's home I had nowhere to live no food no clothes within time I was sent to the Baptist Children's Home in San Antonio Texas they had a part of helping me become who I am today.
