
Monsters do exist the beginning

 Recently I was talking to one of my new found sisters, that's a whole story that I will share with you later. I share with her parts of my life. Some of the things I hadn't shared with anyone else not even my brother Rob after I decided to share with her. I ended up sharing it with a few other family members as well. I told them, I thought it was time for me to share my story with the world and I wanted to hopefully write a book of my life one day. Now I'm ready to share it with you my name is Lisa and I'm 47 years old I am a mother of five and raise three other children as my own throughout my life so this day I am raising another. As I shared this story with my daughters I let them know this is why I was so protective of them. When they were growing up I wanted to write my story where you could actually feel it, you could actually feel the way I was feeling, my smells, my taste.  I hope that you understand what I mean, as you go on to read my story. When I was in col

Monsters Do Exist

 I'm writing this today because I want the world to know that monsters do exist. I'm not an expert at this is actually my first blog so it's exciting I hope to read many as well. I always wanted to write books as a child I would keep my mind occupied with a fantasy world just to avoid the world I lived in I honestly don't remember ever having a simple life I believe there was one time where it almost got simple but then turned out to one of my biggest tragedies. My whole life I believed everything was too good to be true I was destined for failure I believe I felt that way because everything around me was nothing but failure, evil, and cruel. For many years this story left me afraid of my own shadow so believe me when I say I can't believe I finally decided to share this with the world